Residential Criteria Guide
Minimum age
Maximum age
80 (at end of term) .
Where the term exceeds 35 years, the loan amount cannot extend into retirement, which is the lower of the declared retirement age or age 70.
Maximum number of applicants
Credit score
Minimum score of 200 for RL0 and RL1 on 90% LTV products only. We will not use score to determine other product rates
Payday loans
Payday loans for RL0 must be satisfied 36 months ago prior to application including defaulted payday loans. Payday loans for RL1 must be satisfied 12 months prior to application including defaulted payday loans. Current/recent Payday loans for RL2 and RL3 products can be considered and all outstanding Payday loans must be settled prior to or upon completion.
Bankruptcy/IVA (or Trust Deed in Scotland)
Maximum LTV 90%. Subject to discharge periods and clean profile since discharge – refer to product table.
Evidence of discharge from Bankruptcy or IVA (or Trust Deed in Scotland) will be required if we are unable to identify from the applicant’s credit file.
Debt Management Plan
If a credit commitment is subject to a Debt Management Plan (DMP) or equivalent, we will accept the payment amount agreed within the DMP or equivalent within our affordability calculation.
On any case with a formal DMP we will require a reference that confirms the DMP has been conducted satisfactorily for the past 12 months.
TML will not consider an applicant who has an active Debt Arrangement Scheme in Scotland.
DMP not available for RL0 and RL1 products.
Additional Support Requirements
The Additional Support Requirements form should only be submitted where applicable to ensure TML can provide any support required to applicants. It will not impact the outcome of an application.