Real life lending powers complex BTL case through in a matter of weeks
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Real life lending powers complex BTL case through in a matter of weeks
Portfolio landlords looking to expand their portfolios can sometimes face difficulty, especially in complex situations which require a dedicated underwriting approach. In our recent example, we helped a portfolio landlord looking to purchase a residential property at auction, with the client already having a complex BTL portfolio.
Mortgage broker, Connells, who we’ve built a close working relationship with, was able to reach out to Alice Baggott at TML in order to find a solution for the case. We were able to work with Anil, the broker at Connells, and utilised Dynamo for Intermediaries expertise in order to package and progress this case in just 14 working days!
Louise Apollonio, Head of Corporate Accounts at TML comments: “We’re delighted we’ve been able to prove our expertise in dealing with complex BTL portfolios. We have a long-standing relationship with both Connells and Dynamo for Intermediaries which helped to ensure that the process moved along smoothly and at speed. Anil at Connells has a deep knowledge of our business and knew we had the capability to deal with a case of this complexity. Combining this with Dynamo for Intermediaries expertise and understanding of what our underwriters need to progress an application meant that we could reach an offer in a matter of days.
“We’re thrilled to be able to help the customer with their portfolio expansion and look forward to working with both Connells and Dynamo for Intermediaries in the future.”
Anil Mistry, Broker at Connells comments: “This was a complex case where the client had already been struggling to find finance for the purchase of these two new properties. Our relationship with the TML team and knowledge of their business meant we knew they were the lender for the job. Working with Dynamo for Intermediaries we were able to get the case packaged up quickly and progressed to offer.
“The service from the TML team, and in particular our BDM Alice Baggott, was outstanding. TML remain high on our list of considered lenders and I look forward to working with the team again soon.
Cat Armstrong, Mortgage Club Director at Dynamo for Intermediaries “The Mortgage Lender team are fantastic – our BDM Alice and the underwriting team are always on hand to discuss cases. Having worked with them for a number of years, we understand how they work and what they need to be able to progress applications quickly. Working with the broker to get it right first time and sending through the perfectly packaged case is vital to ensure the customer gets the right outcome. We were delighted to be able to support our Connells colleague with this complex application though our packaging service.”